Thematic concentration of the Interreg Programmes was a recurring principle in the previous programming periods. The Programmes were invited to select from a number of thematic policy and specific objectives defined by the ERDF Regulation, complemented by an Interreg-specific objective. We will discuss about the practical experiences with the thematic concentration in the previous two programming periods?
Furthermore, as their name suggests, Interreg Programmes are oriented towards territorial cooperation. Their foremost objective is to stimulate and encourage cooperation within certain territory, along specific thematic lines. Within this context, we would investigate if the thematic concentration along the ERDF policy objectives is justified, or if a territorial approach would better support the impact of Interreg resources.
A discussion about the past, present and future of Interreg, with the involvement of experienced speakers, who have been active in the field for several decades. The discussion shall include considerations about the beginnings of the Interreg, including the expectations which were formulated at that time. The participants shall review the development of the Interreg Programmes over different periods, highlighting positive and negative trends which led to Interreg as we know it today. Finally, the panel discussion would reflect on the future, on what is desirable and what is realistic to happen with the Interreg on mid and long term: How do we see Interreg in 10/20/30 years?
Moderator: Martin GUILLERMO-RAMÍREZ – Secretary General, Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)
The Ister-Granum EGTC was established in May 2008 as the second grouping of the European Union with more than 80 members situated around the iconic Mária Valéria Bridge rebuilt with EU support in 2001 (before the accession of Hungary and Slovakia to the Union). The study visit aims to give an overview of the activities, projects, and achievements of the grouping so far and to taste local food whose producers are grouped in a labelled cross-border local product network.
The buses collecting the participants will depart from different districts of Budapest between 8.00 and 9.00 am, and they are expected to be back in Budapest between 4.00 and 5.00 pm on 15 November. One of the buses will serve directly to the airport.
All attendants of the Art of Cooperation conference who registered to the study visit will be informed about further details in due time. Should you need assistance or clarification, please send an email to the organisers:
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