Summary of the workshop: Interreg and EU enlargement
during the Art of Cooperation 2024 Conference Bálna Budapest, 14 November 2024
Edmunds SNIKERIS – Senior Expert, Tesim
Sanda ŠIMIĆ STAMBOLIĆ – Assistant Minister of European Integration, Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of European Integration, National Authority
Marko PERIĆ – Head of MA (Interreg Hungary-Croatia, Interreg IPA Croatia-Bosnia and Herzegovina-Montenegro Programmes)
Mirjana VIDANOVIĆ – Communication Officer, Interreg Danube Region
Christian Gsodam – advisor, European Union External Action Service (EEAS)
Key conclusions:
Territorial cooperation and contribution EU enlargement
Cross-border and transnational cooperation is an inherent feature of any region in the borderlands and a region as such. Economic collaboration, people-to-people exchanges, and the transport of goods and services—all rely on territorial cooperation elements.
Therefore, territorial cooperation programmes, such as CBC and transnational programmes not only deliver the results of their projects but also contribute to developing capacities that are ultimately essential for EU enlargement. This is evident in institutions enhancing their ability to implement more complex projects and policies, local communities building social resilience, and stakeholders benefiting from equal opportunities, regardless of whether they represent EU member states or partner countries.
Room for improvement in the territorial cooperation
There is broad consensus that territorial cooperation has brought tangible change to non-EU countries. In order to continue on this path, both the programmes and the national authorities expressed the need and support for further simplification of the regulatory framework. On the other hand, the national-level authorities highlighted the need to continue strengthening the capacities to implement these programmes effectively.
Advise to the decision makers of Interreg
Good cross-border and transnational relations are vital for the EU accession of candidate countries. Achieving mutual understanding, resilience, prosperity, and solidarity in Europe requires a robust legal framework and a continuous effort to simplify processes at the EU, programme and project implementation levels.
Strengthening territorial cooperation between EU and non EU countries, as well as among non EU countries themselves, is one of the most valuable investments we can make in Europe’s future!
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