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About the organiser

The Széchenyi Programme Office (SZPO) is a public non-profit making organisation owned by the Prime Minister’s Office of Hungary – among other professional activities – acting as hosting institution for INTERREG programme implementation bodies in Hungary.
Such as the Joint Secretariats of 5 cross-border cooperation (CBC) programmes (Hungary-Slovakia, Austria-Hungary, Hungary-Croatia, Hungary-Serbia and Hungary-Romania-Slovakia-Ukraine), Info Points of 3 CBC programmes (Austria-Hungary, Slovenia-Hungary and Romania-Hungary).
The First Level Control units in all INTERREG programmes (7 CBC, 2 transnational and 2 interregional) where Hungary participates. SZPO has more than 20 years wide professional experience with INTERREG programmes (also brought from the predecessor institution VATI Nonprofit Ltd), gathered through more financial periods.

What is the Art of Cooperation

Conference for Central and Eastern European Interreg Programmes

Central and Eastern Europe is a region with the highest density of borders on the continent, which results in a high concentration of Interreg cross-border cooperation (CBC) and transnational cooperation Programmes, involving the majority of Interreg funding mechanisms as well (ERDF, IPA and NDICI).

Central and Eastern Europe is a region with the highest density of borders on the continent, which results in a high concentration of Interreg cross-border cooperation (CBC) and transnational cooperation Programmes, involving the majority of Interreg funding mechanisms as well (ERDF, IPA and NDICI).

Most of the Interreg Programmes are relatively new, implementing in 2021-2027 the third or fourth generation of Programmes. Cumulated with the socio-economic context of Central and Eastern Europe, this feature determines a different level of maturity as compared with the Western European Interreg Programmes.

Because of the high density of borders, the majority of the population from Central and Eastern Europe live in a CBC Programme area. Moreover, in many situations, specific territories are covered in more than one or even two CBC Programmes. Not the least, due to its geographical and geopolitical position, the Central and Eastern Europe region concentrates the highest number of IPA and NEXT Programmes.

All these characteristics ask for an enhanced communication and cooperation among territorial cooperation Programmes from Central and Eastern Europe, since they can build on each other’s experience and expertise. Széchenyi Programme Office initiated such a process by organizing a conference dedicated to the most stringent challenges the Interreg Programmes are facing at the moment.

Therefore, this event was meant to provide a platform for exchanges and dialogue between the Programmes from Central and Eastern Europe. The intention was to facilitate a dialogue which, due to the physical proximity and similar interest, may evolve in the future and create closer ties among the Interreg programmes from the region.

The conference, named Art of Cooperation, was held in Budapest on the 17-18th of October 2023, based on a series of parallel panel discussions. When selecting the topics of the panels, the current phase of Programme implementation was taken into account, trying to identify the most interesting and challenging tasks Interreg Programmes are facing at this stage, as the enhanced implementation of the simplified costs options by the different programmes, the control systems, the challenges faced by the new generation of IPA and NEXT Programmes, or the governance of the electronic platforms used by the programmes in the area.

On the second day of the conference, the Programmes hosted by Hungary presented the results of 2014-2020 programming period as well as introduced the specificities and opportunities of the new programmes. The two-day event was accompanied by a project fair with the project beneficiaries as exhibitors selected by different Programmes. The fair was a great opportunity for the dissemination of project results and networking.

Plenary roundtable discussion: Quo Vadis Interreg?

A discussion about the past, present and future of Interreg, with the involvement of experienced speakers, who have been active in the field for several decades. The discussion shall include considerations about the beginnings of the Interreg, including the expectations which were formulated at that time. The participants shall review the development of the Interreg Programmes over different periods, highlighting positive and negative trends which led to Interreg as we know it today. Finally, the panel discussion would reflect on the future, on what is desirable and what is realistic to happen with the Interreg on mid and long term: How do we see Interreg in 10/20/30 years?

Moderator: Martin GUILLERMO-RAMÍREZ – Secretary General, Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)


  • Slawomir TOKARSKI – Director, European Commission, DG REGIO
  • Péter KISS-PARCIU – Deputy State Secretary, Head of MA, Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Imre CSALAGOVITS – Head of MA, Interreg Danube Region
  • Sanda ŠIMIĆ STAMBOLIĆ – Assistant Minister of European Integration, Government of the Republic of Serbia, Ministry of European Integration
  • Iulia HERTZOG – Head of MA for Interreg Black Sea, Interreg Romania-Bulgaria, Interreg NEXT Romania-Ukraine Programmes
  • Susanne SCHERRER – former Head of MA/JS, Interreg Baltic Sea Programme
  • Bernadett PETRI – Ministerial Commissioner, Managing Director, Hungarian Development Promotion Office

Study visit to the Ister-Granum EGTC (Esztergom and Štúrovo)

The Ister-Granum EGTC was established in May 2008 as the second grouping of the European Union with more than 80 members situated around the iconic Mária Valéria Bridge rebuilt with EU support in 2001 (before the accession of Hungary and Slovakia to the Union). The study visit aims to give an overview of the activities, projects, and achievements of the grouping so far and to taste local food whose producers are grouped in a labelled cross-border local product network.

The buses collecting the participants will depart from different districts of Budapest between 8.00 and 9.00 am, and they are expected to be back in Budapest between 4.00 and 5.00 pm on 15 November. One of the buses will serve directly to the airport.

All attendants of the Art of Cooperation conference who registered to the study visit will be informed about further details in due time. Should you need assistance or clarification, please send an email to the organisers: cesci@cesci-net.eu.