Cohesion and Competitiveness: Reflecting on Hungary's EU Presidency (MFOI)
On July 1, 2024, Hungary assumed the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. Among the seven key priorities, two pillars stand out as vital for discussion: strengthening cohesion and enhancing competitiveness. This workshop will dive into these critical themes, especially in light of the “competitiveness pact,” which was debated by the European Political Community on November 8.
The panelists, representing a wide range of sectors, will provide insights into what Europe’s competitiveness priorities mean from their own perspectives and in the context of the internal market. The panel will emphasize cohesion, a key policy area for the Hungarian presidency, exploring how it intersects with competitiveness and the internal market.
Discussions will center on the current state and future outlook of cohesion policy, the challenges for the upcoming Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), and opportunities presented by directly managed EU programs to strengthen cohesion. The conversation will also focus on regional disparities, their potential to drive competitiveness, and the prospects for convergence across Europe. Additionally, panelists will examine how cohesion funds and directly managed EU programs can complement each other, rather than compete, in fostering enhanced competitiveness across the EU.
Moderator: Viktória Lilla Pató, Leading Expert, Hungarian Development Promotion Office, Research Fellow, Europe Strategy Research Institute
- Ms Bernadett Petri, Ministerial Commissioner, Ministry for Public Administration and Regional Development, Managing Director, Hungarian Development Promotion Office, Head of Europe Strategy Research Institute
- Ms Astrid Bartels, Head of Unit, SME Access to finance, DG GROW, European Commission
- Mr Pál Zachar, Mayor, Šahy (Ipolyság)
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